Last week, ALIVE!’s Executive Director Jenn Ayers was appointed to serve on the Economic Opportunities Commission. The mission of the Economic Opportunities Commission is to serve as an advocate for the economically disadvantaged residents of Alexandria.
During the meeting, the Economic Opportunities Commission heard from Alexandria’s Office of Housing on the challenges we face as a community with the lack of affordable housing. Since 2001, our city has lost 11,200 market rate affordable housing units, and nearly 15,000 of our city’s residents pay 30% or more of their income for housing.
The Office of Housing provides a list of resources for residents in search of affordable housing, notifications about new affordable rental and homeownership opportunities, and eviction prevention legal assistance. You can see more about the programs and services offered by the Alexandria Office of Housing by visiting their website or by downloading their Housing Resources Guide in English, i n Spanish, in Amharic and in Arabic.
Facing Eviction or Need Rental Assistance?
Meet with AEPP staff in-person for immediate assistance. Facilities are subject to close due to inclement weather and please bring your lease, ledgers, and any documents (SNAP or SSI approvals).
Every Tuesday from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
alternating between Charles Houston Rec Center (901 Wythe Street)
and William Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Avenue):
Every Thursday from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
at Casa Chirilagua (4109 Mt Vernon Ave)
Questions? Call 571-463-8567 or visit: www.alive-inc.org/aepp
ALIVE!’s Food Distribution Schedule
Click the hyperlink below for the March and April ALIVE! Food Distribution Calendar. The calendar is subject to change.
ALIVE! strives to provide nutritious foods through direct distribution to our clients and by supporting Alexandria’s food pantries, meal kitchens, public schools, recreation centers, and other community partners.
To get a PDF of the entire month’s calendar of ALIVE! food distribution click the hyperlink below. Calendar subject to change.
ALIVE! Food Distribution Calendar (March 2022)
ALIVE! Food Distribution Calendar (APRIL 2022)
Weekend Food Distribution:
ALIVE! distributes bags of food (groceries, produce, chicken, eggs, bread) at 3 sites one Saturday per month in the parking lot at each site. ALIVE! food distributions are for City of Alexandria residents. No ID required.
Reusable Bags:
If you are able, please bring reusable bags to food distribution events so that ALIVE! can recycle them for future events. All reusable bags are accepted.
Saturday, March 26 from 8:30am – 10:30am
- Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave)
- NVCC Alexandria Campus (parking lot B-1 via 500 Dawes Ave)
- Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave)
- William Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Ave)
Saturday, April 30 from 8:30am – 10:30am
- Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave)
- NVCC Alexandria Campus (parking lot B-1 via 500 Dawes Ave)
- Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave)
- William Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Ave)
Pop-Up Food Distributions:
ALIVE! provides bags of food to specific neighborhoods and apartment buildings, in collaboration with our community partners, in the parking lot at each pop-up location. Drive-through and walk-up service available depending on site.
Friday, April 1 from 4:30pm – 6:00pm
South Whiting St (200 S Whiting St)
Thursday, April 14 from 4:30pm – 6:00pm
William Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Ave)
Friday, April 15 from 10:30am – Noon
Old Town Community Church (212 S. Washington St)
Saturday, April 16 from 10:00am – Noon
Uncut Youth Pop Up (1501 Cameron St)
Saturday, April 16 from 8:00am – 10:00am
Fairlington United Methodist Church (3900 King St)
Thursday, April 21 from 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Francis C. Hammond Middle School (4646 Seminary Rd)
Weekend Food Distribution Volunteers Needed
ALIVE! is looking for regular truck drivers for our Weekend Food Distributions at the end of each month. Contact Jose Amaya if you are interested. Hours are generally 7:00am – 11:30am the last Saturday of the month, and training will be provided. We also need extra hands to pack produce on-site and translators to greet clients, tell them about our programs and sometimes collect basic data. The more the merrier for our outdoor weekend food distributions! Please contact main office 703-837-9300 if you want to sign up as a congregation, or reach out to Jose.
Pop Up Neighborhood Distributions
Would your congregation like to send a team of volunteers to work one of ALIVE!’s pop-up Distributions? A group of 6-10 volunteers is needed for:
Friday, April 1 from 4:30pm – 6:00pm
South Whiting St (200 S Whiting St)
Thursday, April 14 from 4:30pm – 6:00pm
William Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Ave)
Contact Jose Amaya for more information.
Food Center Volunteers
Do you have bilingual members of your congregation? If they would like to volunteer for ALIVE!’s new food center directly with clients and are looking for regular work- please have them contact- Shelley Spacek Miller. Training will be provided.
We will also be looking for teams of 2 people to help re-stock inventory at the food centers weekdays starting in April– contact Jose Amaya for details and scheduling.
General questions about volunteering, please reach out to our main office 703-837-9300 or volunteermg@alive-inc.org.
Staff Transition
ALIVE!’s Volunteer Coordinator, Liza Feiler, has decided to take a new position with Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors (TAPS). TAPS provides comfort, care and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one. We wish Liza well as she continues to do great work in our community. Volunteer questions can be sent to info@alive-inc.org or call the main ALIVE! number at 703-837-9300.
Sidewalk Sale Benefitting ALIVE! House
Help support ALIVE! House by joining us on Saturday, April 23rd from 10am to 3pm on S. Payne Street (between Commerce Street & Prince Street).
ALIVE! House provides temporary housing for women and families in emergency and transitional situations. Its mission is to help residents recognize their own distinctive interests, strengths, and skills, and to assist them in achieving their goals of housing and stability. Information will be sent as it becomes available from the organizing committee. Please check social media and email for updates.
Sing2Action before Spring2Action!
Before Alexandria’s Spring2Action begins on April 27th, join ALIVE! Board Member Gerry Hebert for an evening of singing and fun at Cameron Cafe.
No need for a ticket. Just drop by Cameron Cafe (4911 Brenman Park Dr) on Monday, April18th from 4:30pm until 6pm and help support ALIVE!’s work helping our neighbors in need.
Race Day Volunteers Needed
Lace up your running shoes and mark your calendars for May 8th! Port City Brewing Company is hosting the Rivershed Run 5k in Alexandria. Proceeds from this event will go to helping ALIVE! support our neighbors in need.
In order for this event to be a success we will need a team of at least 20 volunteers to help out on race day. If you are able to join us on May 8th at from 8:30am-11:00am as a Course Marshall, at the Water Stop, or at the Finish line please let us know by signing up here. If your congregation would like to organize a group to help out please contact Ryan Willis at developmentmg@alive-inc.org.
Help Staff the ALIVE! Booth on May 22
The Old Town Festival of Speed & Style marks its 3rd annual return on Sunday, May 22 from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
The Old Town Festival of Speed & Style brings together exquisite cars and motorcycles, with enthusiasts of fashion, art, music, and style, to create a one-day festival of good energy and fun. It celebrates the heart and spirit of the Alexandria, VA community and highlights the elegance and style of Old Town. Proceeds from the event will benefit USO Washington-Baltimore, ALIVE!, and the Campagna Center.
$5 Capital Bike Share Memberships
Alexandria’s Capital Bike Share Program now offers discounted memberships to enjoy all the benefits of bikeshares!
This $5 annual membership is available for anyone who qualifies for SNAP, WIC, TANF, SSI/SSDI, Medicaid, Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program, and Disabled Veterans. You can see more at: https://www.alexandriava.gov/GOAlex
Alexandria Mental Health First Aid Training
This spring, a free, in-person Mental Health First Aid training will be given in Alexandria. Taught by certified MHFA trainers, this 2-session training will give one the skills needed to reach out and provide initial support to an adult who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to appropriate care.
When, Where, and How to Register
- Tuesday, April 19th, 10am to 2pm and Thursday, April 21st, 10am to 2pm
- Alexandria City Hall, 301 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 – First Floor, Room 1101
- Mask wearing is optional for participants. The trainers will not be wearing masks.
- One must attend both days to receive MHFA certification.
- Register by sending names and email addresses of those who wish to attend to Connie.Juntunen@alexandriava.gov
Alexandria Library Chromebook Lending Program
The library’s new Chromebook lending program lets users who do not otherwise have the equipment or services needed to access the internet browse worry free. The Chromebooks include free, unlimited connection to the internet from anywhere using built-in wireless technology.
Plus, your information is safe and secure. Promptly after returning the device, each Chromebook undergoes a factory reset and all user data is erased. Instructions for borrowers to do this prior to returning the device are also included, for those wanting added peace of mind.
Visit alexlibraryva.org/Chromebooks to learn more. Borrowers will need to sign a brief statement in acknowledgement of their need.