Board of Directors
Executive Committee FY24
President: Rolf Blank
Vice President: Carlton Willis
Secretary: Matt Zahn
Treasurer: Larry Thompson
Executive Director: Jennifer Ayers
Audit Committee: Kevin Metz
Governance Committee: Ellen Brown
Congregational Representative- At Large: Gaynelle Bowden-Diaz
Congregational Representative- At Large: Bridget Gaddis
Congregational Representative- At Large: Rawles Jones
Congregational Representative- At Large: Eric Winakur
Community Representative- At Large: Susan Pollack
Community Representative- At Large: Suzanne Kratzok
Community Representative- At Large: Gayle Reuter
Finance Committee: Larry Thompson
Nominations Committee and Past President: Mary Eileen Dixon
Program Chairs
ALIVE! House Co-Chairs: Jackie Washington and Kim Young
Food Program Chair: Jim Karlson
Family Assistance Program Chair: Open
Furniture Program Chair: Nancy Lopez
Housewares Program Chair: Janese Bechtol
Early Childhood Program Chair: Vacant
Standing Committees Chairs
Affordable Housing Committee: Cheryl Malloy
Development Committee: Denise Taylor and Suzanne Kratzok
Congregational Representative Committee: Siobhan Mould and Diana Day
Personnel Committee Committee: Jennifer Gniady
Assistant Treasurer: Tony Tighe