Board of Directors

Executive Committee FY24

President: Rolf Blank
Vice President: Carlton Willis
Secretary: Matt Zahn
Treasurer: Larry Thompson
Executive Director: Jennifer Ayers
Audit Committee: Kevin Metz
Governance Committee: Ellen Brown
Congregational Representative- At Large: Gaynelle Bowden-Diaz
Congregational Representative- At Large: Bridget Gaddis
Congregational Representative- At Large: Rawles Jones
Congregational Representative- At Large: Eric Winakur

Community Representative- At Large: Susan Pollack
Community Representative- At Large: Suzanne Kratzok

Community Representative- At Large: Gayle Reuter
Finance Committee: Larry Thompson
Nominations Committee and Past President: Mary Eileen Dixon


Program Chairs

ALIVE! House Co-Chairs: Jackie Washington and Kim Young
Food Program Chair: Jim Karlson
Family Assistance Program Chair: Open
Furniture Program Chair: Nancy Lopez
Housewares Program Chair: Janese Bechtol
Early Childhood Program Chair: Vacant

Standing Committees Chairs

Affordable Housing Committee: Cheryl Malloy
Development Committee: Denise Taylor and Suzanne Kratzok
Congregational Representative Committee: Siobhan Mould and Diana Day
Personnel Committee Committee: Jennifer Gniady
Assistant Treasurer: Tony Tighe

Congregational Representatives

Row OneRow TwoRow Three
Agudas Achim CongregationJoan Hartman MooreEric Winakur
Alexandria Bahá’í Community Bridget Gaddis
Alexandria Church of the NazareneOpen
Alfred Street Baptist ChurchCarlton Willis
Alleyne AME Zion ChurchTerra K. Morgan
Basilica of St. MaryTim Burns
Beth El Hebrew CongregationDonald CohenJennie Geisner
Beulah Baptist ChurchLinda Howard
Beverly Hills Community United Methodist ChurchOpen
Blessed Sacrament Catholic ChurchMegan Cefferillo
Christ ChurchMatt ZahnRawles Jones and Kevin Metz
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsMaggie Haslam
Church of St. ClementAnnette Foster
Episcopal Church of the ResurrectionMaureen Bryant
Commonwealth Baptist ChurchCheri & Eric Spiegel
Community Praise CenterSiobhan Mould
Del Ray United Methodist ChurchHector Mares
Ebenezer Baptist ChurchJean Horace
Emmanuel Episcopal ChurchVonda Delawie
Fairlington Presbyterian ChurchBeth McFarland
Fairlington United Methodist ChurchMarguerite BroadwellAlicia Kerry Micah
First Agape Baptist Community of FaithHerbert McKoy
First Baptist Church of AlexandriaJesse McCain
First Christian Church of AlexandriaJanet Coldsmith
First Church of Christ, ScientistJewel NorlinElaine Douglas-Harrison
Good Shepherd Lutheran ChurchNancy Lopez
Goodwin House Alexandria Memorial ChapelPamela Farrand
Grace Episcopal ChurchLarry Thompson
Hill City ChurchOpen
Immanuel Church-on-the-HillLisa Clausen
Meade Memorial Episcopal ChurchNadine Goff
New Life International United Methodist Church at St. Andrew'sAl Henderson
Oakland Baptist ChurchGaynelle Bowden-Diaz
Old Presbyterian Meeting HouseJoan Moser
Old Town Community ChurchBrian Hoysa
Redeemed Church of ChristChimare BullockRobyn Ambrose
Roberts Memorial United Methodist ChurchJenebah Moore
Russell Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal ChurchDorothy OutlawDoris Thorne
Sixteenth Tabernacle Beth ElNataki MacMurray
St. James United Methodist ChurchReverend James Henry
St. Joseph Catholic ChurchRose Kary
St. Paul’s Episcopal ChurchBob Steventon
St. Rita Catholic ChurchFather Christenson
Third Baptist ChurchOpen
Trinity United Methodist ChurchLiz Denson
Unitarian Universalist Church of ArlingtonAnn Marie HayDiana Day
Victory Temple Missionary Baptist ChurchRev. Bryan PaigeShirley Paige
Washington Street United Methodist ChurchKathy Houghtalen
Westminster Presbyterian ChurchLouise Anderson
Zion Baptist ChurchDr. Bernard Reaves, Pastor