The ALIVE! Food Hub offers City of Alexandria residents:
• food • personal items • cleaning supplies • school supplies • community • connections to information on other services

West End ALIVE! Food Hub
(510-F South Van Dorn Street)

Operating Hours:
Tuesdays 11am – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Wednesdays 11am – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Thursdays 11am – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Saturdays 10am – 2pm

Del Ray ALIVE! Food Hub
(2601 Mt Vernon Avenue)

Operating Hours:
Tuesdays 12pm – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Wednesdays 12pm – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Thursdays 12pm – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Saturdays 10am – 2pm

Please note: Both Food Hubs will be on February 22nd and March 29th.

ALIVE! Food Distribution Events

February 2025 ALIVE! Food Distribution Schedule (PDF) Updated
March 2025 ALIVE! Food Distribution Schedule (PDF) Updated

Saturday, February 15th 10am – 12pm UNCUT Youth (1501 Cameron Street)
Wednesday, February 19th 5pm – 7:30pm Fairlington United Methodist Church (3900 King Street)
Thursday, February 27th
4pm – 6pm Hammond Middle School (4646 Seminary Road) NEW DATE

Saturday, February 22nd 8:30am – 10:30am
Walk-up Only:
• Leonard “Chick” Armstrong Recreation Center (25 West Reed Avenue)
• Del Pepper Community Center (4850 Mark Center Drive) New Location

Saturday, March 15th 10am – 12pm UNCUT Youth (1501 Cameron Street)
Wednesday, March 19th 5pm – 6:30pm Fairlington United Methodist Church (3900 King Street)

Thursday, March 27th 4pm – 6pm Hammond Middle School (4646 Seminary Road) NEW DATE

Saturday, March 29th 8:30am – 10:30am
Walk-up Only:
• Leonard “Chick” Armstrong Recreation Center (25 West Reed Avenue)
• William Ramsay Rec. Center (5650 Sanger Ave) New Location

ALIVE!’s Food Hubs are closed on Sundays, Mondays, Fridays and all federal holidays.

In inclement weather, ALIVE! follows the City of Alexandria guidelines for inclement weather policies for delays and closures.

Food Hub Process:
1. Check in. Welcome! Check in at the front desk. At your first visit you will be issued an ALIVE! Food card with a number. On return monthly visits, you will show your ALIVE! card at check-in.

2. Get information on other services. ALIVE! offers assistance with a variety of services including rental assistance, food security and connections to other city and community services. Learn about other services and make an appointment, if necessary.

3. Shop for your groceries. Based on your household size, you will be able to choose items from a selection in various categories. This will allow you to choose foods that your household prefers. Your shopping assistant will guide you through the process.

4. Check out! Weigh items with your food assistant and package your items for transport to your home.

Food Hub Sample Selections for 4-Person Household:
• 2 packages of meat/poultry
• 4-6 produce items
• 2 packages of rice or pasta
• 2 dozen eggs
• 2 cans each of soup, tomato product, meat/fish, peanut butter
• 4 cans each of beans & vegetables
• 2 dairy items
• 2 bread/bakery products
• Plus special items!

Other Services:
ALIVE! can offer assistance or connections to other services, such as rental assistance, emergency family assistance, and food delivery for the elderly, persons with a disability, and single parents.

Would you like to make an appointment to talk more about any of the following services?

  • SNAP Eligibility
  • Housing
  • Childcare
  • Immigration/Legal Services

Call us at 703-837-9300 or send us an email at

ALIVE! Food Card Frequently Asked Questions

How do I qualify for food?
Everyone who lives in the City of Alexandria is able to receive food from ALIVE! at the Food Hub, last Saturday distribution events, or pop-ups.

How many times can I visit an ALIVE! Food Hub?
Once a month. To view other food resources in the City of Alexandria visit: Alexandria Food Resource Directory

What kind of documents do I need to bring to get my ALIVE! card?
To get your ALIVE! card, you will need to bring a bill, letter, or something that has proof that you live in the City of Alexandria. This could even be a letter that is addressed to you.

If I don’t have an ALIVE! card, can I still get food?
Yes, you can still get food at ALIVE!’s distribution events without a card. Starting in June 2023, if you don’t have an ALIVE! card you will be able to get one right on site at the distribution and get your food at the same time.

Why has ALIVE! started asking me these questions?
ALIVE! works with many partner organizations that provide food that we distribute. They have started to require the data that we are now asking for in order to continue to provide food. Additionally, this data helps ALIVE! to better serve you – make sure we have enough pop-up events, and are hosting them in the right places.

What are the questions I will be asked to get an ALIVE! card and when I go for food?

Have you been to this distribution before?

Do you have an ALIVE! Food Hub Card?

Are you enrolled in SNAP/EBT?

How many people are in your household?

How many of the people in your household are children, and what are their ages?

How many people in your household are seniors (over the age of 60)?

How many people in your household are veterans (served in the American Armed Forces)?

In what zip code / postal code do you reside?

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. To file a food program complaint of discrimination, access the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form.