ALIVE! Newsroom
March 2021
John Marshall Bank Annual Report ft. ALIVE!
The 2020 John Marshall Bank Annual Report features ALIVE! as part of the bank's community work in the Alexandria region. In response to the pandemic, the Alexandria branch worked to disburse much needed City of Alexandria and CARES funds to ALIVE! and other local organizations. John Marshall Bank helped ALIVE! provide rental assistance and food distribution to families confronting financial [...]
COVID Anniversary Message from ALIVE!
One year ago, as the first area residents were infected with coronavirus, ALIVE! started getting calls asking if we were “ready” to respond. Shortly after that, many more became sick and the need for basic assistance suddenly soared for those already living at or near poverty and for many just getting by. Thankfully, the next round of calls was from people asking, “How can I help?” And over the last year, your help has been essential, since the pandemic has hit low-income families hardest with jobs loss and illness, as [...]
February 2021
Alexandria Gazette: Sweet Home Alexandria
ALIVE! Housewares socially distant drive-through Collection Day on February 6, 2021 at the parking lot of Fairlington United Methodist Church collected housewares items for the first time since the pandemic. "We have so many people in need. When people move from a shelter into public housing or public assistance housing, they often just come with the clothes on their back. [...]
Alexandria Times: Browne Academy Students Partner with ALIVE!
For Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on January 18, Browne Academy students packed 800 bags of food for the ALIVE! Food Program. Read the full article from The Alexandria Times.
January 2021
Alexandria Scottish Rite Helps Local Charity
Press Release: January 19, 2021Alexandria Scottish Rite Helps Local Charity Mike Bible and Rick Cady, representing the Alexandria Scottish Rite, present a check to Jennifer Ayers of ALIVE! in Alexandria, VA for two thousand three hundred fifty dollars. This will help with providing food to the local Alexandria community. What is the Scottish Rite? The Scottish Rite is a Masonic organization that provides [...]
ACT Resilience Fund Spotlight on ALIVE!
ALIVE received two $50,000 Alexandria Resilience Fund grants from ACT for Alexandria – one to support the Alexandria Eviction Prevention Partnership (AEPP) and a second to upgrade technology and infrastructure and start a learning pod for children living in its shelter. Read the ACT article. “A big thank you to ACT for Alexandria and the City of Alexandria for their responsiveness. [...]