Our News2025-03-20T15:26:00-04:00

Press Release: July City-Wide Food Drive with Volunteer Alexandria

July 5, 2023 Volunteer Alexandria to host a community wide food drive benefiting ALIVE! starting July 5th in response to urgent need for food Alexandria, VA - Volunteer Alexandria will be hosting the first ever City-Wide food drive from July 5th to July 28th with a goal of collecting 30,000 [...]

July Volunteer Newsletter

Alexandria's First Ever City-Wide Food Drive Starting on July 4th Volunteer Alexandria is organizing Alexandria's first City-Wide Canned Food Drive. Similar to toy drives in the past, supporters can drop off items at 17 collection sites in Alexandria. With your help we can reach our goal of collecting 30,000 pounds of food. Special thanks Volunteer Alexandria for coordinating this [...]

Congregational Connection for June 27th

Alexandria's First Ever City-Wide Food Drive Starts July 4th The 16 collection sites for Volunteer Alexandria's July City-Wide Canned Food Drive have been set including ALIVE! member congregations Fairlington Presbyterian Church and Sixteenth Tabernacle Beth-El. With your help we can reach our goal of collecting 30,000 pounds of food and providing [...]

June Volunteer Newsletter Update

Upcoming Volunteer Activities with ALIVE! ALIVE!'s Last Saturday Food Distributions are coming up on June 24th and we need your help to ensure that the food insecure families in our community have access to the assistance they need. It takes nearly 100 volunteers to facilitate these outdoor food distributions and [...]

Congregational Connection for June 9th

Saying Thanks and Welcoming Our New Congregational Representatives During ALIVE!'s final Board Meeting of the Financial year on Tuesday we took a moment to express our appreciation for the dedicated service of the Executive Board Members and Congregational Representatives whose terms have expired. Thank you to Board President, Mary Eileen [...]

June Volunteer Newsletter

June Volunteer Schedule with ALIVE! It takes a big team of volunteers to ensure that the food insecure families in our community have access to the assistance they need. Thank you to the more than 100 volunteers who signed up to lend a hand Saturday's ALIVE!'s food distributions at Cora [...]

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