ALIVE! Hosting Food Drive in Honor of MLK Day at 5 Alexandria Locations
The holiday is a national day of service in memory of the civil rights leader

ALEXANDRIA, VA – In recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, ALIVE! will be partnering with local faith communities to collect both food items and reusable bags from Friday, Jan. 14 through Monday, Jan. 17 at five Alexandria locations.
The holiday is a national day of service in memory of the civil rights leader.
ALIVE! said in a press release they are “excited to join the city-wide goal of encouraging the use of reusable bags in order to help keep our entire community fed, healthy, and safe!”
People can donate personal-size items. (No bulk-size items or glass containers will be accepted.) Items collected will go toward supporting residents in need at weekly and monthly food distribution events.
Collection Locations, Dates, and Times
1) Immanuel Church on the Hill- 3606 Seminary Rd, Alexandria VA 22304
Friday, Jan. 14 through Sunday, Jan. 16, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
2) First Christian Church- 2723 King St, Alexandria VA 22302
Friday, Jan. 14 5-7 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 15 and Sunday, Jan. 16, Noon-2 p.m.
3) Episcopal Church of Saint Clement- 1701 N Quaker Lane, Alexandria VA 22302
Friday, Jan. 14 through Sunday, Jan. 16, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
4) Good Shepherd Lutheran Church- 100 W Luray Ave Alexandria, VA 22301
Saturday, Jan. 15 from 10 a.m.-Noon
5) Agudas Achim Congregation- 2908 Valley Dr, Alexandria, VA 22302
Monday, Jan. 17, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Find out about accepted food donations and more by visiting